Documents for 1/22/2024 Association meeting

  1. FYI - 2025-01-21 Budget to Actuals AUTO GENERATED.pdf

Documents For 8/29/2024 AssoCiation Meeting

  1. FYI: Budget to Actuals

Documents for 5/7/2024 Association meeting

2024-2025 PTA Budget Overview

Details can be found inside the budget linked above.

PTA Budget & Program Plan


How does the Emerson PTA Budget work?

  • Each Spring, the Emerson PTA Board proposes a budget for the following school year, which the Emerson PTA Association (all PTA members) must approve. All Emerson parents, guardians, and staff are encouraged to join the PTA and vote on the budget.

  • Each Fall, the Emerson PTA Association approves the final PTA Budget for that school year.

Contact the Emerson PTA with questions on the budget or to get involved!

What Are the PTA Programs?

Along with the PTA Budget, the Emerson PTA Association must approve what programs and events the PTA plans to support or hold over the school year.

In the past, Emerson's programming usually includes these free community events:

3 PTA Association Meetings with a speaker
3 Cultural Events
Fall and Spring PTA Enrichment Class Sessions
Racial Equity Study Circles + Equity Speaker Events
Friday Coffee on the Yard

Fall Back-to-School BBQ
Winter Pancake Breakfast
End of Year Social

And these fundraising events:

Heart of Emerson direct-donation drive
Football Parking during home Cal Football Games
Fall Walkathon
Winter or Spring Auction
Spring Readathon