Join the Emerson PTA!

The Emerson Parent-Teacher Association brings together parents/guardians, teachers/staff and friends of Emerson to work for a positive school experience for all children at our school. Becoming a member is the first and easiest step to support the work of the Emerson PTA. 

Click below to join via TOTEM (the PTA membership portal). 

When you are a PTA member:

  • You can vote in association meetings on PTA’s programming and spending decisions.

  • You become part of a network of PTAs made up of many individuals devoted to educational success and parent involvement in schools.

  • You receive a membership card that you can use to receive discounts from merchants supporting PTAs all around the country: membership perks.

Did you know?

  • There is no time commitment tied to being a PTA member!

  • EVERYONE is invited to our PTA events, but you must fill out the membership form to vote on PTA business.

  • You must re-join every school year!