Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta nota debido a la traduccion,
por favor comuniquese con Rafael Friedmann via email:
Message from the Principal
Dear Emerson Families,
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year! We are so thrilled to start this school year in person. Our goal is to provide your child with nurturing support and a stellar educational experience. We are so excited to be able to do that on campus this year.
Every week I will write a message to update you about the happenings in our school. As we begin a new school year, we will continue many of the safety practices we employed last Spring when we returned to school. Last May, the City of Berkeley health department toured our campus and Dr. Liza Ortiz said, “We were impressed to see how Emerson is making the most of a small campus, a factor that makes implementation of COVID-19 safety measures all the more challenging… we congratulate you and your team on Emerson Elementary School’s effective implementation of safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We encourage you, your staff and your families to remain vigilant and continue to take all recommended precautions to keep our community healthy and safe.”
This school year, all students and staff are required to wear masks, except when eating and drinking. Each classroom and office is equipped with a Merv Air Filter and a CO2 Air monitor. Tents have been set up outside to shelter students in inclement weather. On most days, students will eat breakfast and lunch outside. Parents and visitors are not permitted to come onto campus. If you do need to speak to someone in the office, please call (510) 644-6890 or find Ms. Michelle at a desk outside the campus front doors between 8:00-8:45 am.
We continue to follow guidance from the CDPH and City of Berkeley Public Health. Students will wash hands before eating and/ or sharing equipment. Students will eat with their classmates, but may play in grade level groups during both recesses.
The district is no longer requiring families to complete a health screening form prior to coming to campus. However, families are expected to monitor their child’s health and keep students home if they are demonstrating signs of illness, listed here. If your child does contract COVID-19, do not bring your child to school and notify me, Ms. Gaby or Ms. Michelle at (510) 644- 6890 immediately.
All families who are exposed to a student with COVID-19 will be notified by our front office staff, and provided quarantine directions designed by BUSD District Nurses and City of Berkeley Health Department. Please join us and do your part, as parents, to keep everyone safe.
For more information about COVID-19 mitigations practices and policies district wide see the Berkeley Unified School District 2021- 2022 Safety Plan. If you were unable to attend the Principal and PTA Co-President Meet and Greet last week, which detailed Emerson’s site specific procedures, you may view the slideshow presentation here. Finally, the district website includes a Fall Reopening Page with useful information here.
This year, more than ever, let’s stick together. We are all on the same team: one community! I look forward to collaborating with you for a successful year.
Jana Holmes
Message from the PTA
Welcome back to Emerson! And an extra warm recognition of our Kindergarten and new-to-Emerson families!
We are so thankful to resume in-person school, especially to the staff and Principal Holmes. We are all navigating these challenging times together, and that is the energy we need to support our students and families. Thank you for your patience while we, the PTA, revise our events and programs to fit pandemic guidelines.
We’re thankful to have hosted the Kindergarten Playdate, Chalk the Yard, and Back to School Staff Appreciation so far (see pictures below). At the time of this letter, we are limited to remote/virtual events; any in-person events will be outdoors, spaced, and masked beyond school hours. The Emerson School Playground is open to the public beyond school hours, as public parks are. This may change.
Unfortunately, we cannot sponsor afterschool enrichment this year again, but the PTA can support parents and caregivers who want to initiate interest clubs or sessions outside of school. Please get in touch with us and Grade Parents if you want to start something!
Grade Parents! Formerly known as Room Parents, Grade Parents volunteer to help teachers and classrooms in a range of needs, from collecting materials, coordinating events, connecting families to resources. During the pandemic, Grade Parents are THE person-to-person connection we rely on. This is a relationship role, more than a time commitment. Please get in touch with Rose Lynn Abesamis-Bell (Parent of Nora, 4th grade - Grzanowski,
Please join the PTA, simply signing up helps Emerson! Each year your membership must be renewed, and we will gladly cover your $10 fee:
Please update your contact information at Where’s Waldo, our opt-in directory:
In service,
Tyler Black - PTA Co-President (Nina, 3rd Grade - Barnes)
Rana Cho - PTA Co-President (Haedan, 3rd Grade - Barnes)
Upcoming Events and Key Dates
Thursday, August 26: Back to School Night (zoom - link to follow via Remind message)
Saturday, September 4: Cal Football Parking by 5th Graders (Steve Wilson:
Find more dates/details:
Note to Readers: BearFacts articles and calendar items are based on submissions from the community and reviewed and edited under the PTA communication policy. Inclusion of an item in BearFacts by itself does not indicate sponsorship or endorsement by the PTA, Emerson school staff, or BUSD.
Communications Volunteers Needed
Seeking several enthusiastic volunteers to help manage some key systems that keep us all connected! If you are interested, please call/text Rose Lynn (626.695.0687) and Bruk (510.944.5972) or email
Where’s Waldo Directory - Manage updates to our online directory
Grade Parents - Connect grade cohort families with each other and coordinate support for teachers/classrooms
City of Berkeley Testing Sites
The City of Berkeley coordinates several COVID-19 testing sites, which are available to all, whether you have insurance or not. Please click this link to learn about locations and appointments. Translation is provided directly on the site along the left-hand side.
La ciudad de Berkeley coordina varios sitios de prueba COVID-19, que están disponibles para todos, si tenga seguro médico o no. Haga clic en este enlace para obtener información sobre ubicaciones y citas. La traducción se proporciona directamente en el sitio a lo largo del lado izquierdo.
Welcome Back Events
Kindergarten Playdate
Chalk The Yard on August 13
Emerson 5th Grade Pride
Back to School Staff Appreciation for our amazing Emerson Staff on the first day of school!
Find Emerson Online
Remind: Text @7f6hb to 81010; or go to
Facebook: (or follow @emersonPTA)
About BearFacts News:
BearFacts News is a weekly publication created by parent volunteers posted online at
BearFacts articles and calendar items are based on submissions from the community and reviewed and edited under the PTA communication policy. Inclusion of an item in BearFacts by itself does not indicate sponsorship or endorsement by the PTA, Emerson school staff, or BUSD.
If you have a news item or announcement to include in the BearFacts News, please send an email to Please keep your message brief and include all the pertinent details including dates, times, locations and contact information. The deadline is each Monday at 6 p.m.
Copyright © 2021. Emerson Elementary PTA. All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
2800 Forest Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94705